About Me


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Hello, my name and Sue and I’m a self-taught knitter and crocheter who took up the craft after losing my job back in 2008.  I found this art form not only relaxing, but also a great way to save money on gifts for friends and family.

I decided to start selling my creations on Etsy in 2009 (known then as “The Handmade Emporium”) after receiving numerous compliments on my work and when my scarves and wallets quickly sold out at my sister’s fashion boutique she had owned at the time.

Since then, I have been commissioned by a local museum to create coasters and a tea cozy to be raffled off at a Victorian Tea, designed a Christmas afghan for a school raffle, and received custom orders for two afghans from published author Carol McCleary (“The Alchemy of Murder’ and “The Illusion of Murder”, both Nellie Bly mysteries).

My crocheted items are now available for purchase at www.zibbet.com/suestitches

Custom orders are always welcome!


Sue Viola

10 Responses to About Me

  1. Rajan says:

    I know this is not the right place to write which I m going to but I don’t have other medium too. Just wanted to confirm if you are the one whom I interacted couple of times over yahoo/msn chat in year 1999/2000. If I recall you were doing Law then. Please confirm. Waiting your reply on my mail sk.rajan1976@yahoo.in

  2. David says:

    Thanks so much for the follow. Please feel free to share your comments or thoughts anytime. Take Care.

  3. tpolen says:

    I wanted to come by and let you know that I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. I know these awards can be a bit time consuming, so if you choose not to accept the award I understand. I will have the info up on my blog shortly. Either way, I enjoy your thoughts! http://www.teripolen.com

  4. Pingback: Simply Knots Got An Award! | Simply Knots

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